fee Structure

cis manas city lucknow

At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 3,000
Tuition Fee 4,725
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 4,300
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 4,300
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 4,725 x 3 14,175
Second july | aug | sep 4,725 x 3 14,175
Three oct | nov | dec 4,725 x 3 14,175
Four jan | feb | mar 4,725 x 3 14,175

At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 3,000
Tuition Fee 5,200
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 4,900
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 4,900
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 5,200 x 3 15,600
Second july | aug | sep 5,200 x 3 15,600
Three oct | nov | dec 5,200 x 3 15,600
Four jan | feb | mar 5,200 x 3 15,600

At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 5,000
Tuition Fee 6,050
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 4,900
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 4,900
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 6,050 x 3 18,150
Second july | aug | sep 6,050 x 3 18,150
Three oct | nov | dec 6,050 x 3 18,150
Four jan | feb | mar 6,050 x 3 18,150

At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 5,000
Tuition Fee 6,460
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 5,200
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 5,200
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 6,460 x 3 19,380
Second july | aug | sep 6,460 x 3 19,380
Three oct | nov | dec 6,460 x 3 19,380
Four jan | feb | mar 6,460 x 3 19,380

At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 5,000
Tuition Fee 7,825
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 7,550
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 7,550
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 7,825 x 3 23,475
Second july | aug | sep 7,825 x 3 23,475
Three oct | nov | dec 7,825 x 3 23,475
Four jan | feb | mar 7,825 x 3 23,475

At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 5,000
Tuition Fee 8,400
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 4,800
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 4,800
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 8,400 x 3 25,200
Second july | aug | sep 8,400 x 3 25,200
Three oct | nov | dec 8,400 x 3 25,200
Four jan | feb | mar 8,400 x 3 25,200
At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 5,000
Tuition Fee 7,980
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 4,800
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 4,800
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 7,980 x 3 23,940
Second july | aug | sep 7,980 x 3 23,940
Three oct | nov | dec 7,980 x 3 23,940
Four jan | feb | mar 7,980 x 3 23,940

At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 5,000
Tuition Fee 9,975
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 8,100
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 8,100
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 9,975 x 3 29,925
Second july | aug | sep 9,975 x 3 29,925
Three oct | nov | dec 9,975 x 3 29,925
Four jan | feb | mar 9,975 x 3 29,925
At the time of Admission Amount ( )
Registration Fee 800
Admission Fee 18,000
Caution Fee (Refundable) 5,000
Tuition Fee 9,555
Term Fee & Exam Fee (April) 8,100
Term Fee & Exam Fee (July) 8,100
Installments Months Fee Payable Amount ( )
First apr | may | jun 9,555 x 3 28,665
Second july | aug | sep 9,555 x 3 28,665
Three oct | nov | dec 9,555 x 3 28,665
Four jan | feb | mar 9,555 x 3 28,665